Happy Birthday to AnyHow

November 18, 2020 • Peter Sanchez • Updates

AnyHow was made public in January 2020 but was born on November 18th, 2012. You can even see the first commit on our about page.

When we started to build this there was never a plan to make it available to other companies. It was strictly to scratch our own itch. Today companies from several different countries are using the application to run their businesses. It's a pretty cool feeling for us.

We're still very small in both number of users and staff. The service is run by a team of just 4 people. Tiny but mighty. Pocos pero locos (you win a cookie if you get that.)

We launched this year and 2020 threw a huge monkey wrench into our plans (and I'm sure into your plans as well) but we're still here. Every day we work hard to improve this software and make it the best option for consultancies, agencies, and freelancers to run their businesses.

Today may mark AnyHow's 8th year of existence but we're just getting started. Here's to many more. Cheers!

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